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Put Christ Back In Xmas


The holidays are near
Good tidings and good cheer
And all my friends are here

    having fun


The shopping and the toys
Amid the holiday noise
But everyone avoids everyone


It's all become commercial and

    it's all become a game
Remembering my childhood

    it's not the same
With Santa and his reindeer

    and plastic Christmas trees
I wish I could relive my memories


The warmth of candlelight
A peaceful silent night
Remembering the sight

    and the love


To celebrate the birth
Of Jesus on the earth
This year

    let's put Christ back in Xmas

This year

    let's put Christ back in Xmas


Words Copyright © 2003

    Sherman Crouch, All Rights Reserved
Music Copyright © 2001

    Sherman Crouch, All Rights Reserved



Merry Christmas Anyway


Too many people in this world

    don't know of Christmas Day
They live in places far from here

    a million miles away
They've never heard of Jesus Christ

    the story of the Lamb
The Son of God come down to earth

    was born in Bethlehem


And as I celebrate this year

    I'll say a prayer for you

That you may someday know about

    the One whose love is true
We celebrate the peace and joy

    this thing called Christmas Day
And though you may not understand

    Merry Christmas anyway


Too many people in this world

    have heard yet can't conceive
Some chose to worship other gods

    some choose to not believe
They've heard the tales of Jesus Christ

    who gave His life for me
But in their hearts they turn away

    too blind to want to see


And as I celebrate this year

    I'll say a prayer for you
That you may someday understand

    the One whose love is true
We celebrate the peace and joy

    this thing called Christmas Day
And though you may not want to hear

    Merry Christmas anyway


Words & Music Copyright © 2004

    Sherman Crouch, All Rights Reserved

Jesus Christ Was Born On Christmas Day


Gonna tell the world about it

To the mountain tops I'll shout it

Gonna scream and let it out

'Cause Jesus Christ was born

    on Christmas day


Every year we celebrate it

All year long anticapate it

Drawing near I just can't wait

'Cause Jesus Christ was born

    on Christmas day


Read the word about how it all began

How God was born to live as man

Long ago that night in Bethlehem

A little child became the great I Am


So this year through the

    Christmas season

Take the time to know the reason

Pray the Lord will hear my pleas

'Cause Jesus Christ was born

    on Christmas day


Read the word about how it all began

How God was born to live as man

Long ago that night in Bethlehem

A little child became the great I Am


So this year through the

    Christmas season

Take the time to know the reason

Pray the Lord will hear my pleas

'Cause Jesus Christ was born

    on Christmas day


Yeah Jesus Christ was born

    on Christmas day


Words Copyright © 2015

    Sherman Crouch, All Rights Reserved

Music Copyright © 2006

    Sherman Crouch, All Rights Reserved



In The Still


Long ago in Bethlehem

    in a simple stall
Came a child into this world

    born to save us all
Mother Mary held the babe

   with tender love and care
She wrapped Him up

    inside the manger

    from the cool night air


Shone a star to show the way

    the Eastern kings they came
Come to see the Son of God's

    blessed holy name
Gifts they brought to give the child

    befitting of a king
And the voices joined

    the sounds of heaven

    they began to sing


And the angels all sang

    Glory Hallelujah
Child of mercy and might
All the saints joined in as it all began
In the still of that holy night


Baby Jesus came to save us

    as it was foretold
And the gifts of frankincense

    and gifts of myrrh and gold
But the greatest gift of all

    was from the baby king
It was peace on earth

    goodwill to men

    forever will we sing


And the angels all sang

    Glory Hallelujah
The Son of God was born
All the saints joined in as it all began
In the still of that Christmas morn


And the angels all sang

    Glory Hallelujah
The Son of God was born
All the saints joined in as it all began
In the still of that Christmas morn
In the still of that Christmas morn


Words & Music Copyright © 2005

    Sherman Crouch, All Rights Reserved


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